[Live] CMMC 2.0 Ongoing Updates

[Live] CMMC 2.0 Ongoing Updates


2022 – Q4

CMMC: The Latest

• Rule to be sent to OIRA October 2022.
• Final interim/proposed rule to be released March 2023.
• Rule in contracts beginning May 2023.
• CMMC compliance takes 9-12 months.
• Sec. 866 of the 2022 NDAA requires a report on the impact of
CMMC on small businesses within 180 days. The report must
− the estimated costs of complying with each level of the
− any decrease in the number of small business concerns that
are part of the defense industrial base resulting from the
implementation and use of the framework; and
− an explanation of how the Department of Defense will mitigate
the negative effects to small business concerns that are part
of the defense industrial base resulting from the
implementation and use of the framework.”

2022 – Q3

CMMC: The Latest

• How it will work:

− DoD entered into an MOU (and now contract) with a
single CMMC Accreditation Body (AB).
− The AB will implement the CMMC model, train and
certify assessors, and evaluate assessments. The
AB sits between DoD and the contractors.
− There will be three levels of assessment with the
third being the most stringent.
− DoD will assign a CMMC rating to each contract
and only contractors that have had a successful
assessment at that rating can perform.
− It is unknown who will assign certification levels
required to subcontractors and enforce that.

How to Receive Funding for DoD Cybersecurity Compliance

How to Receive Funding for DoD Cybersecurity Compliance

The DoD Cybersecurity Compliance is the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC 2.0).

What is this?

The CMMC program is aligned to DoD’s information security requirements for Defense Industrial Base partners (those of whom create products or services that allow for the sustainability or deployment of military operations).

Why’s it important?

Michigan Cyber Defense is created a CyberSmart program that provides $22,500 to small to medium-sized businesses to help obtain the CMMC 2.0.

My company sells products or services for the military… How do I get $22,500 for CMMC 2.0?

Talk to us – we’re a pre-approved CyberSmart resource for the state of Michigan. 

We conduct your gap analysis and can assist in writing your System Security Plan and Plan of Actions and Milestones. Moreover, we can help you become certified. 

How do I know if I need the CMMC 2.0 Compliance?

If you create products or services for the military, you need the compliance. If you create products or services for another company that works with the military, you’re going to need the compliance. 

Many times, we say that if you’re ITAR certified, you’re going to need the CMMC 2.0 certification. 

What if I do nothing?

After 2025, you will no longer be eligible to sell products directly or indirectly (prime or subcontractor) to the DoD or Aerospace industries. 

How long is the State of Michigan providing grant funds for becoming CMMC 2.0 certified?

Until October 2023, but we recommend getting started right away.

Security vs. Compliance: What’s the Difference?

Security vs. Compliance: What’s the Difference?

Business data security and protection has never been this important! Especially in this dispensation of fast digital transformation.

On one hand, advanced technology has got businesses running more smoothly and increasing their conversion rates. However, on the negative side, cybersecurity threats have also grown in sophistication, thanks to the same cutting-edge technology, which cybercriminals are taking advantage of. The result is the need for heightened IT security by businesses and strict IT compliance requirements by regulatory bodies.

But is security just another name for compliance? Is your business secure after you have all those boxes ticked in the compliance document? Let’s explore each and help you remove the blurry line between both.


In a nutshell, it’s the processes and controls involved to ensure your data, systems, and networks are masked against cyber breaches. Generally, security encompasses:

  • Data: Your data storage and transmission media are critical. Every business should have data loss and recovery plans, such as cloud backups. Additionally, proactive network monitoring should ensure that no criminals intercept the data while in transit.
  • Systems: Your systems should be physically protected and, more importantly, digitally protected against malware and attacks. This can be achieved through constant software updates or patching. And regular/automatic system scans to detect an infection/breach early. Besides, as more businesses adopt BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) at the workplace, you should ensure that those personal devices accessing the company network are free from malware or security vulnerabilities.
  • Users: From phishing to reckless errors, users play a crucial role in determining whether your business is secure or not. That is why you should conduct frequent user training about security and ways to prevent attacks.


Compliance comes into play when third-party regulatory/governmental bodies are involved. Typically, compliance seeks to ensure that your business has implemented the irreducible minimums of various security standards such as HIPAA, GDPR, or PCI. Compliance aims to meet:

  • Industry regulations
  • Security frameworks
  • Government policies
  • Client contractual terms


Both. For you to be successful in business, you’ll need to both secure your business and comply with third-party regulatory or contractual guidelines. For instance, to get a DOD contract, you’ll need to comply with CMMC standards that apply to that contract. On the other hand, if you experience a breach due to weak security, you risk the loss of critical business data, revenue, and reputation damage, even if you’re compliant.

In summary, security:

  • Is done for your own sake while compliance seeks to satisfy a third party’s requirements.
  • Seeks to protect your digital assets through risk assessment, monitoring, and mitigation, but business needs drive the need for compliance.
  • Should be frequently maintained, whereas compliance is a one-time event and is complete once the regulatory body is satisfied.

To conclude everything, IT security is the practice of executing adequate technical controls to defend your systems and networks against cybersecurity threats, while compliance is applying these practices to meet third-party regulatory or contractual requirements.


Whether you’re looking to solidify your security or meet a new compliance threshold, you’ll need a good IT team to implement the required security measures. However, building an effective in-house IT team is not easy, not to mention how costly that may be. Therefore, seeking a managed security solution, such as ICS Data, is wise, practical, and cost-effective, especially for SMEs. Get in touch to get started.